The Mobility Times

American Airlines Passenger Intentionally Farts On Flight, Here’s What Happened Next?

American Airlines Flight

An American Airlines flight reportedly got delayed after a “disgruntled” passenger kept on farting inside an aircraft. The incident occurred while the plane was on its journey from Phoenix, Arizona to Austin, Texas, and was still on the ground. Following the incident, the aircraft was forced to return to the gate.

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The one-of-its kind incident got the attention of people after it was shared on Reddit by a user going by the name Glamgalatax. “Before most people had boarded, I observed that this man was audibly disgruntled about something, maybe hungover, rough day idk, but as soon as he sat down he was grumbling about something under his breath.”

The man started to pass gas after all the passengers had boarded the plane. Once the cabin was full, he yelled. “You thought that was rude? Well how about this smell.”

However, this was not the end of the nightmare for other passengers on the plane. While food was being served and passengers were having snacks, the same man loudly said to fellow passengers on the plane, “Hey everyone, let’s eat the smelliest food possible all at the same time.”

A fellow passenger responded to the man, saying “If you don’t like it, you can fly private.” This led to a disagreement on the plane, with other passengers joining in and holding the “disgruntled” man accountable for his rude behavior.

According to a Reddit user, the plane was taxiing on the runway and preparing for takeoff when it was instructed to return to the gate. A crew member intervened in the argument between passengers and announced, apologizing for the interruption and explaining that the plane was returning to the gate. Later on, the flatulent passenger was deboarded.

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